Student and Parent Sign In

PowerSchool ID Creation

Step 1: Enter your current sign in information

Welcome IWCS Students and Parents

Parent Portal is now open for the 2023-24 school year.

If you don't see student's 2023-24 schedule, Contact student's school

For Problems with Parent Portal logins; please contact your student's School

Single Sign On Parent Portal Account

Setting up a new Single Sign on Parent Portal account is NOT necessary if you set up an account last year. You may just want to add a new student to your existing account.

You should have received access information for each of your students from their respective schools, as well as detailed directions for creating an account and adding students. This access information is NOT your login and password; but will be used to link your students to the NEW account you create. Isle of Wight has posted a video which walks users through creating and managing new Parent Portal accounts.

Creating a SSO PowerSchool Parent Account